

Day 19: Someone that pesters my mind...

Haha, so while I was in Newspaper one day, my friend Whitney and I were looking at my blog and I'm not sure how it came up but I promised my friend Logan that I would find a topic that he would somewhat fit into and I would blog about him... Today would be that day. So obviously the topic is 'Someone that pesters my mind' but I had the choice of choosing between good or bad. I chose the good side :) Now onto Logan...

Meet, Logan!

Logan is seriously one of the funniest kids I have ever met! He just says the most random things and is hilarious without even trying. Logan and I have Newspaper together and that's where I really got to know him. We went to middle school together and I knew of him but I didn't know him. It's a shame. I wish I did. I needed better friends, for the most part, in middle school. I guess Logan pesters my mind because the funny things he says stay in my mind for days, haha! He's great and I'm glad I got to know him better this year;)

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