

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!

But, I did not want to feel the heat with somebody... Last night was the paint dance! It was a blast! It was more like a "squish and get wet" according to Alex than a dance. So, let me attempt to describe this little shindig for you... There was a DJ. He had a stage. It was gated off. Right below his stage, still in the gated off section, there were people with super-soakers filled with paint. They squirted them into the crowd. The crowd that was so squished that when you were pushed you didn't fall over. It also stunk really bad. Come on, people, we're in college, can we please have some hygiene? We danced, well jumped, our hearts out and then left. How fun, right? I bet you wish you were as cool as me and my school. We then were starving and decided to cook us some grub. There were 9 of us so we settled on spaghetti. Boy, let me tell you that cooking was an adventure! To hear our midnight catastrophe read it here on our cute roomie blog :)
We're just that cool.

The crew after :)

"How do girls take pictures??" Hahaha, oh, Alex!

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